Code of Ethics for Academic Coaches
The National Tutoring Association is dedicated to providing its members with opportunities to achieve and maintain high professional standards for academic coaches and administrators of these programs and services.
- I understand that my role as the Academic Coach is to empower students to reflect on and take ownership for their decisions.
- I will encourage love and desire to learn.
- I will provide honest feedback with positive and productive praise, constructive criticism, and unwavering support in a manner that will be beneficial to the students' overall learning.
- I will demonstrate faith in my students’ abilities to set and accomplish academic goals.
- I will be a role model and demonstrate best practices in everything I do.
- I will foster academic honesty.
- I will show respect for my students’ cultural backgrounds and personal value systems.
- I will treat all students equally and equitably.
- I will always uphold my end of the coaching relationship.
- I will be an accurate record keeper who keeps private information confidential.
- I will be respectful of my students at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, respect of students’ personal space, preexisting knowledge, and personal dignity.
- I will be punctual and adhere to coaching principles.
- I am a lifelong learner; an Academic Coach cannot expect to know all the answers. In the event that I do not know an answer, I will seek assistance in finding answers and/or will provide students with the necessary resource(s).
- I respect learning styles and preferences and allow flexibility in my approach to differentiate my coaching strategies to meet the needs of each student.
The National Tutoring Association Academic Coach Code of Ethics is copyrighted by the National Tutoring Association, all rights reserved 2016. The National Tutoring Association Code of Ethics may be reprinted with acknowledgment to The National Tutoring Association who owns all rights.