As a member of NTA you receive an impressive list of benefits:
The National Tutoring Association values your membership. All memberships will be acknowledged and processed within 72 hours of payment receipt. Membership materials will be mailed within seven days of application.
Contact the Executive Director for membership verification and personalized invoicing.
- Members... receive an official personalized membership certificate.
- Members... receive discounts on NTA Training Webinars! NTA and NTF members are eligible to receive 10-20% off all NTA training webinars.
- Members... can hold office or serve on standing committees (after five years of membership and at the invitation of the Executive Committee). Contact the Executive Director for additional information.
- Members... qualify to apply for NTA sponsored research grants and scholarships.
- Members... may ask for a professional mentor. Contact the Executive Director for additional information.
- Members... may apply for the only accredited professional certification offered by a tutorial association. Additional information can be found on our individual certification page.
- Members... may apply for professional liability or medical insurance. There you can download applications for coverage. (Members can also contact Forest T. Jones at the home office at (800) 821-7303 or and be directed to a customer service representative to answer questions or fulfill requests.)
- Members... who are private practice owners may conduct employee/tutor background checks through the NTA.
- Members... receive exclusive online access to the NTA newsletter and archives.
- Members... can attend the annual conference, which provides the latest information regarding tutor training, tutorial research, tutoring methods and practices. The annual NTA conference also provides an opportunity to network with other tutors and tutor administrators.
- Members... receive one free premium level membership from
- Members... receive $60,000 in free life insurance for two years (contact Grace through
- Members... who are NTA Certified Tutors, Academic Coaches, and Mentors may order NTA Honor Cords to wear at Graduation.
- Members... may explore new partner benefits with The Association of Test Preparation (TPAPT) NEW!
- Members... are linked with the oldest and largest association dedicated exclusively to tutoring.
- Members... are eligible to receive discounts on NTA products and services when advertised.
The National Tutoring Association values your membership. All memberships will be acknowledged and processed within 72 hours of payment receipt. Membership materials will be mailed within seven days of application.
Contact the Executive Director for membership verification and personalized invoicing.